*From the point of view of a full professor
at the College of Business at the University of Southern Mississippi*
Our core mission reflects taking PRIDE in all we do - Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, Excellence
“In large secular universities, the most debilitating concentration of power is the administrative bureaucracy.” Westhues, Administrative Mobbing, p. 312
Confidentiality - Uses and Abuses
However, when Dr. William Gunther was dean of the College of Business, he told me quite emphatically that vitae are confidential. Among the many ironies of this claim was that the next week our “confidential” vitae were passed out to a College guest. Neither former-Dean Gunther nor any other administrator asked permission to disclose “confidential” vitae to a stranger.
Administrators invoke “strict confidentiality” on personnel issues, including vitae, to conceal their decision-making process. Hidden among the documents for which confidentiality is claimed, you’ll find information that cannot withstand scrutiny. And administrators will go to great lengths, sometimes corrupting the entire system from the department level all the way to the IHL, to hide rewards to their friends and sycophants. (Click for next page.)