week 7
*From the point of view of a full professor
at the College of Business at the University of Southern Mississippi*
http://www.usmpride.com/Week 1.html
Our core mission reflects taking PRIDE in all we do - Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, Excellence
According to the College of Business Advisory Counsel Statement of Accounts for the Period July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005 (which was not provided pursuant to an Open Records Request):

               $15,000 went to scholarships for students.

              $22,500 went to faculty support.
               $37,500 total for student scholarships and faculty support

That's good, isn't it? Answer the question for yourself when you look at where most of the money went. 
D. Harold Doty, Dean, College of Business Administration
Once again, thanks to those who have provided information, documents and thoughts to help build this website. 

                            Chauncey M. DePree, Jr.
Let's take a look at one of Dr. Doty's booze accounts -- the Business Advisory Counsel (BAC) fund.  BAC consists of a group of businesses and business people, each of whom pays $1,250 per year to be included on its membership rolls. Those funds flow through USM's Foundation and are earmarked  as BAC funds. What Dr. Doty tells the public and potential donors is that "Contributions from members cover, among other things, annual BAC undergraduate scholarships, six annual BAC Faculty Research Scholars, funds for Outstanding faculty and staff awards, Student Honors Day Awards, and Study Abroad Scholarships."

Is that really how the money is spent?  Or is most of the money being spent on "among other things"?  Is it, as he told a prospective employer, Dr. Doty's "fun money" to be used "pretty much any way [he] wants"?  The facts show that most of the money goes to "among other things."  Students--Dean Doty listed first to induce contributions--got the least of the funds. The faculty did only a little better.